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Frequently Asked Questions


Who is eligible for the Scholar All-American Program?

You need to meet the following criteria in order to be considered for the Scholar All-American Program:
1. Currently be in 5th Grade or higher for the Pop Warner Season
2. Have a 96% Grade Point Average (GPA) from your previous school year's report card.
3. Have a Complete Full-Year's Report Card from your previous school year to prove eligibility


What do I need to do if I am eligible for the Scholar All-American Program?

This will differ a little from program to program. You should contact your local program once practice begins (August 1) to see when the paperwork is due, and whom you need to submit everything to.


How are the applications graded once submitted to Nationals?

Once we receive the applications from each Region in early January, we come up with a score for each participant based on his/her GPA and the addendum score. NOTE, addendums are graded based on a scoring system that Pop Warner National has developed and had evaluated by several professionals in the educations system. We do no release this criteria to anyone outside of our office


What is the difference between First Team and Second Team All-American?

A First Team All-American is one of the top 35 football players or top 25 cheerleaders for his/her grade nationwide! A Second Team All-American consists of those scholars who are above an annually increasing final score (GPA + addendum), ranging last year from about 97.5 -101.5!


What is an Honorable Mention All-American Scholar?

We feel that everyone who meets the criteria for All-American consideration should be rewarded for his/her academic success. If you meet this criteria and your application was turned in to us, then you will be an Honorable Mention Scholar if you miss out on Second Team.


If my son/daughter makes First Team for his/her region, league or association, are they automatically a National First Team All-American?

No, Regional, League and/or Association recognition is separate from National recognition. You must understand that while someone makes First Team at the Region Level, he/she is competing against the whole nation at the National Level.


When will I find out if I am an All-American Scholar?

Every year we make the announcement on on April 1. We also mail out a packet to each scholar containing a Certificate of Achievement, Recognition Letter, Scholar Merchandise Info, and an invitation to the National Scholar Banquet.


Who is eligible to attend the Scholar Awards Program in May?

Every Scholar is invited to attend, whether they are First Team, Second Team or Honorable Mention. We hold this event annually to recognize your incredible achievements in the classroom.


What is an All-American Senior Scholar and are they the only ones eligible for scholarships at the Awards Program in May?

An All-American Senior Scholar is a First Team recipient in grades 8 and above. Yes, they are the only Scholar All-Americans who are eligible for scholarship at the National Levels. Pop Warner Leagues and Regions often hold separate scholastic banquets, and may award scholarships to any participants based upon their pre-determined criteria.

How big of a deal is it to be named as a Pop Warner All-American Scholar?

A very big deal! If your son/daughter is recognized as a Pop Warner All-American Scholar, then he/she is amongst the top 1% of all Pop Warner participants. They are also eligible to attend our Awards Recognition Program held annually which commemorates their achievements on the field, in the classroom and in the community.

Contact us

Murrieta Valley Pop Warner

MVPW, P.O.Box 836
Murrieta, California 92564
Email: [email protected]

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